My KubeCon China 2023 Summary

First of all, I would like to thank the karmada community for providing the tickets to KubeCon, and I met with core contributors and maintainers of karmada such as zhen chang, hongcai Ren, and Wei jiang.

In previous years, attending the technology conference left me with no deep impression and no harvest. This time I forced myself to record it, deepen my impression and summarize my gains.

I am interested in colocation, so the sharing I listened to is basically related to this.

updated: all of the kubeCon china 2023 videos is released. youtube video list, WeChat subscription account


istioCon china 2023 slides:

使用KubeRay和Kueue在Kubernetes中托管Sailing Ray工作负载 | Sailing Ray Workloads with KubeRay and Kueue in Kubernetes - Jason Hu, Volcano Engine & Kante Yin, DaoCloud

video: YouTube WeChat subscription account

Previously, I only knew that kueue was a project of the Kubernetes Sig Group, which manages job queues. This time, I learned about its working principle based on MutatingWebhook, which intercepts various job resources for queue management and adds NodeAffinity.

kueue works

kueue api

kueue apis admin

kueue overview

controller-runtime每天的新功能–使您的Operator更高效 | What’s New on Controller-Runtime of the Day – Make Your Operator More Efficient - Siyu Wang, Alibaba Cloud

video: YouTube WeChat subscription

It mainly discusses new features and some pitfalls between 0.14 and 0.16. Controller-runtime is a framework for developing various controllers and operators, but it lacks comprehensive documentation. To understand the updates in each version, one needs to dig into the code themselves.

I discussed with Jiuzhu on-site that only the Name and Namespace fields can be saved in the workQueue, which is not very friendly for certain scenarios. For example, in the case of associations with deployments or pods related to VPA (Vertical Pod Autoscaler), writing code using this framework would become quite complex. It was mentioned that the community is unlikely to change this design pattern.

Pitfalls in Version Compatibility

controller-runtime version compatibility

Support for Multiple Clusters

Abstract the concept of clusters; one manager can handle multiple clusters, and one controller corresponds to multiple clusters.

controller-runtime multi cluster

Disabling DeepCopy

Address excessive memory usage. In version 1.28, Reflector has a similar optimization as well. GitHub Pull Request

controller-runtime disable deep copy

Architecture Diagrams for Various Components

controller-runtime cache

Controller Mesh

Enables controller gray releases and monitoring and circuit breakers.

controller-runtime controller mesh

contoller-runtime controller mesh

contoller-runtime controller mesh

contoller-runtime controller mesh

项目更新和深入探讨:containerd | Project Update and Deep Dive: Containerd - Wei Fu, Microsoft & Iceber Gu, DaoCloud

video: YouTube Wechat subscription

Introduction to the new features of containerd version 1.7.

1.6 is the First LTS Version

containerd release

Changes in 1.7

containerd v1.7 changes

Release Plan for 2.0

containerd 2.0

WebAssembly (wasm)

containerd wasm

使用Volcano更轻松高效地在Kubernetes上运行您的AI工作负载和微服务 | Run Your AI Workloads and Microservices on Kubernetes More Easily and Efficiently with Volcano - William Wang, Huawei Cloud

video: YouTube Wechat subscription

It introduced the functions of Volcano, its use cases, and future plans. It addresses various issues related to running big data on Kubernetes, which is very helpful. Further research will be conducted.

Regarding the difference between Volcano and Kueue, inquiries were made to Kueue’s maintainer, Kante Yin. Kueue is designed to solve queue-related problems but is not implemented on the scheduler; it is an independent component. Volcano, on the other hand, solves queue-related issues within the scheduler itself. They share some similar functionalities. Koordinator also has similar features to Volcano, particularly in offline hybrid deployments.

no slide

基于生产案例详细解析和重现Istio访问日志的各种应答标记 | Detailed Parse and Reproduce Response Flags of Istio Access Log Based on Production Use Case - Chaomeng Zhang, Huawei

video: YouTube Wechat subscription

It introduced various meanings of the “Response Flags” field in the Istio proxy logs and their corresponding scenarios. The PowerPoint (PPT) contains a detailed summary of various intricacies, making it an excellent troubleshooting manual. Chaomeng Zhang must be quite experienced, having encountered a multitude of Envoy-related issues. It reminds me of the time when I was well-versed in various errors with Nginx.

Unfortunately, there is no slide available at the moment, but I am looking forward to updates.

构建一个主动-主动的高可用Kubernetes控制平面集群 | Building an Active-Active HA Kubernetes Control Plane Cluster - MinJie Huang & WenJie Song, DaoCloud; Jiashun Dai, SAIC General Motors

video: YouTube Wechat subscription

It introduced an active-active Kubernetes cluster high-availability solution. To be honest, I didn’t fully understand it, so I’ll have to watch the recording later and study it carefully.

Active-Active HA Kubernetes Control Plane

Active-Active HA Kubernetes Control Plane

云原生技术与文化背景:跨境最大化业务价值 | Cloud Native Technology and Cultural Context: Maximizing Business Value Across Borders - Katerina Arzhayev, SUSE

video: YouTube Wechat subscription

It introduced the differences between Eastern and Western approaches to enterprise management, primarily focusing on the Western working style. To test my English listening skills, I intentionally chose an English lecture. I found that I could understand most of it, perhaps because the speaker had very clear pronunciation. However, I had difficulty understanding the questions from someone with an Indian accent.

在Kubernetes上构建一个精细化和智能化的资源管理系统 | Building a Fine-Grained and Intelligent Resource Management System on Kubernetes - He Cao & Wei Shao, ByteDance

video: YouTube Wechat subscription

It introduced various features of Katalyst, an open-source project by ByteDance, and ByteDance’s practices in resource management. Multiple enhancements and secondary development were made to kubelet in this context, as well as kernel enhancements.

Katalyst colocation

Katalyst qos

ByteDance also conducted secondary development on kubelet:

Katalyst qos resource manager

Machine Learning-Based Service Profiling

Katalyst Machine Learning-Based Service Profiling

Kernel Enhancements by ByteDance

Katalyst Kernel Enhancements

Katalyst dynamic manage

GPU Sharing

Katalyst gpu sharing

Topology-Aware Scheduling

Katalyst Topology-Aware Scheduling

Resource Efficiency Suite

Katalyst Resource Efficiency Suite

Kubernetes上的干扰检测和资源隔离增强的最佳实践 | Best Practice for Interference Detection and Resource Isolation Enhancement on Kubernetes - Haogang Wang, Kuaishou

video: YouTube Wechat subscription

It introduced the work done by Kuaishou in resource isolation and topology awareness. Similar work was done in projects like Koordinator, Crane, and ByteDance’s Katalyst.

Best Practice for Interference Detection and Resource Isolation

Best Practice for Interference Detection and Resource Isolation

Best Practice for Interference Detection and Resource Isolation

Best Practice for Interference Detection and Resource Isolation

只是噪音还是真正的字节?云原生中的eBPF | Just Buzz or Real Byte? eBPF in Cloud Native - Bill Mulligan, Isovalent

video: YouTube WeChat Subscription

Because I am a contributor to Cilium, I attended this presentation, which was relatively straightforward. It mainly introduced eBPF and its applications, as well as related projects. Currently, eBPF is still in its early stages and has not been widely adopted on a large scale.

After the presentation, I had a discussion with Bill Mulligan and people from VMware. Although my spoken English is not very fluent, the conversation went naturally, and I didn’t feel nervous. I plan to practice more in the future.

The attendance at this KubeCon was much lower than in 2019, and some cloud vendors no longer sponsored the event. The presentation topics didn’t seem as groundbreaking (lacking novelty), but there were still many high-quality presentations.

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