When Efforts Don’t Pay Off: Should You Keep Going?

Should One Persist When Efforts Do Not Yield the Expected Results?
Exploring future possibilities can be incredibly challenging, often leading to doubt and confusion, raising questions about whether current actions hold meaning—especially when there’s no positive feedback. I want to take a shortcut, knowing that regular employment offers a predictable future. So, I’m choosing a different path. While it may be thorny, muddy, and full of cliffs, it might be a quicker route. Like climbing a mountain: when you reach the top, no matter how much you want to stay, you must descend. Why not continue forward and explore life’s second peak?
1 Staying True to Your Original Intentions
When what you’re doing isn’t yielding positive results, consider why you started and whether you’ve strayed from that purpose. My blog’s slogan, “Don’t forget why you started,” is a reminder I gave myself before moving to Shanghai to stay true to my original intentions. “A general on the march doesn’t chase rabbits,” as they say.
2 Lowering Expectations (Segmented Goals)
Expectations can also be broken down into smaller, more attainable goals. You could treat each step as part of your daily routine without demanding immediate feedback. For example, I started my blog and Wechat official account as a way to express myself, hoping it would grow (with a follower goal of 100). Yet, after putting in considerable effort, I found this process much harder than anticipated. So, I adopted a segmented approach, setting a phased goal: publish one article each week until 2025, totaling twelve articles. Reaching each phase goal first makes it easier to keep going before setting the next one.
A tall building is carefully constructed brick by brick; every effort made now, every goal achieved, is part of laying a solid foundation for the future. Each step adds a brick to the grand structure that lies ahead. Only through continuous, short-term positive feedback can you find the support needed to keep going.
3 Keeping Confidence
Maintaining self-confidence is crucial. Without it, perseverance is nearly impossible. Compared to August and September, I’m now clearer on my path and have found something I truly enjoy. All I need to do now is plant the seeds, let them root, and wait for them to flourish. I’ve always believed I could find a new direction, and that belief fuels my exploration. I’m gradually discovering my own new positioning—a self-redemption of sorts, finding direction in confusion, regaining confidence in disappointment. Through content creation, I am reconnecting with myself, slowly finding inner peace and strength.